Sladebrook Road Planning Approved

Sladebrook Road, Bath – Aequus Construction Limited (ACL) are pleased to confirm that a revised and improved planning permission for the development for 9 family homes was granted by Bath & North East Somerset Council Planning Committee today. Aequus Chairman, Charles Gerrish welcomed the decision saying “this scheme will...

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Riverside View – Help to Buy

Riverside View apartments are available to purchase using the Help to Buy Scheme – click on link below for more information or contact Gregory’s Estate Agent on 0117 986 6644 to book an appointment “

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Riverside Sales Phase 1 Update

70% of the apartments released in phase 1 have now been reserved….don’t miss out on the final 7 apartments remaining: contact Gregory’s Estate Agents on 0117 986 6644 to book an appointment!

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Sladebrook Road

Planning application for our exciting future development at Sladebrook Road is now live on the B&NES Planning Portal…..for more information click here:^refval^=%2719/01873/FUL%27&history=bd0d4aef45e146cdb6ec6ed398959354&SearchLayer=DCApplications

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